GBV 51

Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee

Gender-based Violence, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Bill : Stage 1

Response from: Paula Grinter




Protecting Children and the overwhelming benefits for the future of Welsh Society.



I am writing to support the removal of 'reasonable punishment' defence for physical punishment of children in Wales to be included in the above Bill.


Using violence of any kind to control or punish others, whatever their age, is totally unacceptable.


I have worked in Children's Services both in the statutory and voluntary sectors in Wales and England for over forty years. During my social work and managerial career I have had to make numerous child care decisions and my experience tells me that children need protection from all types of violence in order to be safe and have the opportunity to reach their potential.


In addition and also very importantly, I strongly believe that by making physical punishment illegal Welsh Society as a whole will benefit in numerous ways and future generations will reap the rewards if this amendment to the Bill is made.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like any further comments.



Yours sincerely


Paula Grinter

Consultant Children's Services